सीएसआईआर-राष्ट्रीय भौतिक प्रयोगशाला
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory

Announcements: Repository
- Prof. Venugopal Achanta (Director, CSIR-NPL) elected to the International Committee for the Weights and Measures (CIPM)
- Prof. Venugopal Achanta (Director, CSIR-NPL) elected Fellow - INSA
APMP 2024 (22nd- 29th Nov. 2024)
[Click] - 79th Foundation Day Celebration of CSIR-NPL (04thJan. 2025)
CSIR-NPL Open Day 2024 (01/10/2024)
[Invitation Letter] [Participation Form] [Registration link] - AcSIR-NPL Ph.D admission for January 2025 Session [Click]
- CSIR-NPL transferred technology 'Indigenous MWCNTs Synthesis by CVD and development of flexible MWCNTs paper therefrom' to Ddev Plastiks Industries Limited, Daman
- Walk-in-Interview for Project Staff on dated 09/12/2024 and 10/12/2024" with Application Form [Result] [Advt.] [App. Form]
- CORRIGENDUM for Walk-in-Interview for Project Staff on 13/08/2024 and 14/08/2024
- Walk-in-Interview for Project Staff on 13/08/2024 & 14/08/2024 [Advt.] [App. Form] [Result]
- Result Notice of Screening against Advt. No. Rectt./03/2022 for the Posts of Technician(1) [Click]
- Recruitment to the post of Executive Assistant at the office of AcSIR Coordinator at CSIR-NPL [Advt.] [App. Form]
One Week One Theme (AEISS) (2nd - 4th Aug. 2024)
- Online Interview request for only candidates who stay abroad against Advt. No. Rectt.02/2022 for the Posts of Scientist. [Click]
- Invitation for Stakeholder Meeting (PMQC) [Click]
- Mr. Anurag Kumar Katiyar elected Fellow - IETE, India
CSIR One Week One Theme at CSIR-NPL (26th & 27th June 2024)
- Notification pertaining to provisional certification of low volume manual PM2.5 samplers
- Interview Schedule Notice against Advt. No. Rectt.02/2022 for the Posts of Scientist
- सीएसआईआर-एनपीएल "पर्यावरण और मानव स्वास्थ्य : वर्तमान चुनौतियाँ" विषय पर दिनांक 15 मार्च, 2024 को एक दिवसीय सम्मेलन (EHHC2024) का आयोजन ।[Click] [Abstracts] [Brochure]
78th Foundation Day of CSIR-NPL (04/01/2024)
- Result Notice of Screening against Advt. No. Rectt.02/2022 for the Posts of Scientist
51st SSBMT- 2023 (3rd Zonal Indoors)
- Dr. Shibu Saha has been awarded the APMP Young Metrologist Prize for Developing Economies-2023 by APMP
- Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh (Sr. Principal Scientist) has been awarded the B D Bangur Award-2023 presented by the Indian Carbon Society
- Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh (Sr. Principal Scientist) has been selected for the award of Raman Research Fellowship for the year 2023-2024
- Dr. Komal Bapna (Scientist) has been selected for the award of Raman Research Fellowship for the year 2023-2024
- Dr. Kriti Tyagi (Sr. Scientist) has been awarded the ISEES Young Scientist Award-2024 by the International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability
- AMCSNZT-2023 (09th - 10thOct. 2023), & VAMASSC-48 (11th - 12thOct. 2023)
CSIR-NPL and Metrology Society of India (MSI) are jointly organizing “Ultrafast Sciences-2023 (UFS-2023)” during 25-27 November 2023.
- Notification for Constitution of Internal Complaint Committee under the provisions of Sexual Harassment of Women at work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
- EMSI-Excellence in Microscopy Award conferred to Dr. Jai Shankar Tawale
- Advertisement No. Rectt.03/2023 (Walk-in-Interview held on 21/11/2023 and 22/11/2023 for the positions of Project staff under various sponsored projects) [Advt.] [Application Form][Result]
- Special Campaign 3.0
CSIR-NPL Open Day 2023 (04/10/2023)
[Invitation] [Participation Form] -
Alumni Interaction Meet (21st Sept. 2023)
[Invite] [MS Team Link] - Advertisement No. Rectt.02/2023 (Walk-in-Interview held on 15/09/2023 for the positions of Retired Consultant staff) [Result][Advt.] [App.Form]
- Closing of Central Government Offices located in Delhi from 08.09.2023 to 10.09.2023 on the occasion of G-20 Summit in Delhi
- CSIR-NPL celebrate One Week One Lab during17th to 21stApril, 2023
- EMSI-Excellence in Microscopy Award conferred to Dr. Jai Shankar Tawale
- Dr. Lalit Goswami elected as Fellow IETE, India
- AcSIR-NPL Ph.D admission for August 2023 Session [Click]
- Advertisement No. Rectt.01/2023 (Walk-in-Interview held on 07/02/2023 for the positions of Project staff under various sponsored projects) [Advt.] [Application Form] [Result]
- Prof. N. Vijayan (Sr. Principal Scientist, CSIR-NPL) selected for the MRSI Medal
- Remembering 'Sir K S Krishnan' on his 125th Birth Year
- Admission Notice for Post-Graduation Diploma in Precision Measurement and Quality Control (PGD-PMQC 2023)
- Dr. Poonam Arora: elected as Fellow -IETE, Indiaselected as Senior Member, URSI
- Mr. Anish Mahavir Bhargav is selected for the IEI Young Engineers Award (2022-23)
- 7th Ayurveda Day celebration at CSIR-NPL (17th Oct. 2022; 10:30 AM onwards)
- Fit India Freedom Run 3.0 (02nd - 31st October 2022)
- CSIR-NPL signed agreement with ARON UNIVERSAL LIMITED, Bangalore on 19/09/2022 for the sponsored project Development of mono/bi-invisible fluorescent pigments and visible/invisible fluorescent security threads/fibres for anti-counterfeiting technology
CSIR-NPL Open Day 2022 (28/09/2022) -Invitation
[Invitation Letter] [Participation Form] [Registration Link] -
“अपशिष्ट से संपदा: उपयोगी उत्पादों के लिए अपशिष्ट पदार्थों का पुनर्चक्रण” विषय पर राष्टरीय सम्मेलन -2022 (15 सितंबर, 2022)
[View] - Result of walk in interview held on 30/08/2022, against in r/o Advt. No. Rectt./04/2022 [View]
- Advertisement No. Rectt./04/2022 (Walk-in-Interview held on 30/08/2022 for the positions of Project staff under various sponsored projects [Advt.] [Application Form]
51st SSBMT (Outdoor) Football Tournament-2nd Zonals (1st-3rd August, 2022)
- Prof. (Dr.) Govind Gupta: selected for ‘The Royal Society (UK) Intl. Exchange Award with Univ. of Cambridge’; elected as Fellow ‘IETE’, and ‘FRSC’ (Click1) (Click2) (Click3)
- Extension of Last Date for Submission of Application for the Advertisement No. Rectt./03/2022 [English] [Hindi]
- Shortlisted candidate list for the post of Executive Assistant at CSIR-NPL, New Delhi
Dr. K. S. Krishnan Memorial Lecture
- Participate in Training Program
- Position of Executive Assistant at the Office of the AcSIR Coordinator at CSIR-NPL, N.Delhi [Advt.] [Application Form]
- Advt. No. Rectt./03/2022 for recruitment of Technician(1)in Group-II [English] [Hindi] [Application Form]
World Metrology Day (20th May 2022)
High-End Workshop, on “Hands-on Training on Thin Film Deposition Techniques: Sputtering & Pulsed Laser Deposition [13th - 19th June 2022]
- Prof. (Dr.) Govind Gupta elected as Fellow, The Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), London, UK
Advertisement No. Rectt. 02/2022 for recruitment of Gr.IV- Scientist
(Due to some technical issue, only OFFLINE applications are invited in place of ONLINE applications) - Dr. VPS Awana, Sr. Principal Scientist awarded with the 'Institute of Physics (IOP)- UK Fellowship
One day e-Workshop on “Role of Traceable PMU in Smart Grids” March 29 2022]
Curtain Raiser for Two Day Conference and Exhibition on National Calendar of India [22 March 2022]
Two Days Workshop on "Scientific Communications" [25-26 March 2022]
2-Days E-Workshop on Characterization Techniques of Materials and Devices" during March 14th-15th, 2022, in on line mode under CSIR INTEGRATED SKILL INITIATIVE.
- Result of online interview held on 24.02.2022 against in r/o Advt. No. Rectt./01/2022
'CSIR-NPL' and 'Asian Polymer Association' jointly organized "International e-Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanoengineering APA NANOFORUM-2022" [February 24-26, 2022]
- Cancellation Notice ( No. Rectt./01/2021) - (Online-Interview) held on 31 March , 2021 for the positions of JRF Post Code 7.0 .
CSIR-NPL Platinum Year Jubilee Celebration [4th -6th Jan.2022]. Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Science and Technology & Earth Sciences graced the inaugural function.
Metrology Conclave at CSIR-NPL [04th January 2022]
CSIR-NPL organized an E-Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy for Emerging Materials during 22-23 December 2021.
International Workshop on Noise Pollution Monitoring and Control (NPMC2021) [17 Dec 2021]
Brochure Programme Schedule
CSIR-NPL organized a Workshop on Standardization of Healthcare and Medical Devices [15-16 December 2021]
CSIR-NPL organized an International Conference on Frontiers in Terahertz Technologies and Applications (FTTA-2021) during 09-11 December, 2021.
- Friday Colloquium
- Science Museums to be set up in the Country
- Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - Sabka Saath Sabka Vishwas
- Competitions| Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Ministry of Culture, Government of India
- BND Coffee Table Book is available
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All Rights Reserved - The Official Website of CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, CSIR, under Ministry of S & T, Govt. of India
Site Designed & Managed by Knowledge Resource Centre
CSIR-NPL, New Delhi