सीएसआईआर-राष्ट्रीय भौतिक प्रयोगशाला

CSIR-National Physical Laboratory

Business Development Group (BDG)

The Business Development Group (BDG) serves as an interface between the Industry and the scientific community of CSIR-NPL with an objective to help the Industries solve their technical problems. BDG plays a significant role by show-casing CSIR-NPL Technologies/Knowhow and transferring them to the interested clients. The group also facilitates to provide Contract R&D, Consultancy and Technical services to the clients (Govt/Public/R&D/Private Sector etc) in the form of time bound projects. Besides this, the group also takes care of signing MoU/MoA/NDA etc with the interested industries and research organizations.

CZTSSe-Inks for Solar CellsHigh Density Graphite
Energy Clean Technologies Environment Carbon Products
Carbon Composites for Fuel Cells Toxic Contaminants Removal from Water High-Volume PM2.5 Sampler Carbon Foam
Ferrofluid based portable power generator Recycling of Plastic Waste Bioaerosol sampler and a setup for mask testing Coal Tar Pitch
Waste Silicon PV Modules Conversion waste biomass to biocoal for useful applications thereof
High conductive graphite composite plate for fuel cell applications High-Volume PM10 Sampler Mesocarbon Microbeads
Porous Carbon Paper
MWCNTs Synthesis and Flexible MWCNTs Paper Therefrom
Activated carbon from waste biomass jute sticks
Electronics & Instrumentation Rural & Societal Technologies Strategic Materials Processes
FonOclock Lightweight Interior Dry Wall Panel for High Sound Insulation Long Afterglow Phosphor Powders Acceptors for Organic Solar Cells
Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer based NDT System Microbes Inhibition Smart Coatings of Conducting Polymers for Corrosion Protection Synthesis process for PEDOT:PSS
Apparatus for polarization vs Electric field measurement (Ferroelectric Loop Tracer) Low-cost and maintenance-free Thermoelectric Cooler/Refrigerator Nanopowders for EM absorbing paints Development of polystyrene films
Calibrated Photodetector & its Monitoring Unit  Noise Absorptive barrier Nano-ZnO2 for Various Applications Tissue Equivalent Liquids as per IEEE-1528 for SAR compliance testing
Thermal Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) set-up for Graphene deposition Particle Board
A low-cost device for measuring weak magnetic fields Recycling of Multilayer Packagings (MLPs) for Technological Applications
Strain gauged force proving instruments Recycling of Waste Pharmaceutical Blister and Analogues
EMAT based Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Waste Derived Smart Anticorrosion Coating Materials
Axis-symmetrical shaped force transducer
GTEM Cell with E Field Sensor
Improved Variable Frequency Ultrasonic Interferometer for Velocity and Attenuation Measurement in liquids
3 Tesla Auto – Ranges Pulsed/Static Field Gauss Meter
High Resolution Syringe Pump
Pulse Distribution Amplifier
FPGA based General-purpose Lock-in Amplifier and PID Controller
Environmental Conditions Monitoring Device
Cross Floating Valve (CFV)
Device for Time Synchronization
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tester Device with Threshold Error Correction
Dielectric Properties Measurement Solution (X-band)
Blood Pressure Monitor
Human Oscillometric Waveform Recorder
Sensors Softwares Know-hows Miscellaneous
Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Gold Silver Recovery from Process Waste L-1
Ferrofluid based temperature sensor Development of UD, 2-D Carbon Fiber Based Polymer Composites L-2

S.No.Name of Industry/ Company/ InstituteDate of Signing of MoUs/ Agreements
1National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCB), Ballabgarh, Haryana for “Development and/or Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BNDTM: Indian Reference Material)”17/12/2021
2Aashvi Technology LLP, Ahmedabad, Gujarat for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BNDTM)”29/07/2021
3Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Mumbai, Maharashtra for evaluation of product pertaining to know-how for “making graphite composites bipolar plates for PEM fuel cell applications”13/07/2021
4M/s Life Force, New Delhi for licensing of know-how for the development of “UVC based Air Microbial Disinfection Unit” (joint development)28/06/2021
5Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) (Designated Institute for Ionizing Radiation) Mumbai, Maharashtra “to assess the Quality System of Radiation Standard Section (RSS) of BARC”22/10/2020
6M/s Sirim Scientific Solutions, Hyderabad, Telangana for the licensing of know-how for the “Process for development of polystyrene films” 06/10/2020
7FARE Labs Private Limited, Gurgaon, Haryana for the transfer of know-how for the process “Tissue Equivalent Liquids as per IEEE-1528 for SAR compliance Testing”24/09/2020
8Motras Scientific Instruments Private Limited, Gurugram, Haryana for the “joint development of Microbial UVC Disinfection Casket”03/07/2020
9Jalan and company (Reference Material Producer), New Delhi for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BND)”20/05/2020
10FARE Labs Private Limited, Gurugram Haryana (Reference Material Producer) for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BND)”20/05/2020
11CSIR-IITR, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (Reference Material Producer) for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BND)”13/03/2020
2Tripartite License Agreement amongst CSIR-NPL, National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), New Delhi and M/s NAS Industries, Thane, Maharashtra for transfer of technology “Recycling of Plastic Wastes into Tiles for Structure Designing for Societal Usage”21/02/2020
13SUMS Techno Labs Private Limited (Reference Material Producer) Ballari, Karnatka for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BND)17/01/2020
14Reliable Diesel Engineers Private Limited, Faridabad, Haryana for Noise Absorptive Barrier for Metro/Railway/ Highway/airport/ Noise Abetment” 04/09/2019
15Tripartite License Agreement amongst CSIR-NPL, National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), New Delhi and Ayasya Infrastructure LLP, Hyderabad, Telangana for transfer of technology “Recycling of Plastic Wastes into Tiles for Structure Designing for Societal Usage”17/07/2019
16Indian Institute of Technology (IITD), Delhi for “collaborative Research, PhD and training for M.E./M.Tech, B.E./B.Tech. Students of IITD in CSIR-NPL”16/07/2019
17Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) (Reference Material Producer), Bharat Bhavan, Mumbai for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BND)”12/07/2019
18Tripartite License Agreement amongst CSIR-NPL, National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), New Delhi and Bengal One Enviro Infra LLP, Kolkata, West Bengal for transfer of technology “Recycling of Plastic Wastes into Tiles for Structure Designing for Societal Usage”14/05/2019
19Physics Instruments Co., Chennai, Tamil Nadu for technology/know-how transfer of “Improved Variable Frequency Ultrasonic Interferometer for Velocity and Attenuation Measurement in liquid” and “3 Tesla Auto Range Pulsed/Static Field Gauss Meter (Digital Gauss Meter)” 18/02/2019
20Legal Metrology, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and public distribution, Government of India for “Technical Services for Setting up of Secondary Time Ensembles at five Regional Reference Standards Laboratory (RRSL) & one Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC)”28/12/2018
21Esperanza Global Eco Solutions Private Limited, Chandigarh for technology transfer of “Recycling of Plastic Wastes into Tiles for Structure Designing for Societal Usage”11/12/2018
22Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited (REIL), Jaipur for know-how transfer of “Solid State Peltier Refrigerator”10/12/2018
23Global PT Provider Private Limited (Reference Material Producer), New Delhi for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BND)”27/11/2018
24Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (TIET), Patiala, Punjab for “Ph.D., M.Tech. and B.Tech. exchange program in the area of Metrology”12/11/2018
25Sehgal Doors, New Delhi for know-how transfer of “Acoustical Lightweight Interior Dry Wall Panel for High Sound Insulation”05/11/2018
26Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), Mumbai for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BNDTM)” 18/07/2018
27Tripartite License Agreement amongst CSIR-NPL, National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), New Delhi and Vyzag Bio Energy Fuel Private Limited, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh for transfer of technology “Recycling of Plastic Wastes into Tiles for Structure Designing for Societal Usage” 22/06/2018
28National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCCBM), Ballabgarh, Haryana for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BNDTM)”21/05/2018
29Aashvi Technology LLP, Ahmedabad, Gujarat for “Production of Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BNDTM)”18/05/2018
30Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Delhi for “Upgradation and maintenance of SODAR system located at CPCB, Delhi”15/05/2018
31Sreeni Labs Private Limited, Hyderabad, Telangana for know-how transfer of “Process for the synthesis of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS)” 04/05/2018
32Department of Telecommunication (DoT), New Delhi, for “Providing Indian Standard Time and Frequency Consultancy and Traceability”25/04/2018
33Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), New Delhi for “Implementation of the Prime Minister’s Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Research”01/04/2018
34IFR Information Dissemination Private Limited, Hyderabad, Telangana for providing Indian Standard Time and Frequency Traceability 28/03/2018
35ATOS Instruments Marketing Services, Bangalore, Karnataka for know-how transfer of “Ferroelectric Loop Tracer” 28/02/2018
36Addin Infra Private Limited, Rajkot, Gujarat for know-how transfer of “Recycling of Waste Plastic Bags into tiles for structure designing” 28/02/2018
37Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur on “Feasibility study on Development of Value Added Carbon Products from coal tar”27/12/2017
38National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT), Japan for GNSS equipment for time-link calibration06/12/2017
39Environmental Solutions, Noida, Uttar Pradesh for technology transfer of “High-Volume PM2.5 Impactor Sampler”25/09/2017
40Cell Propulsion Private Limited, Karnataka for “Development of carbon foam as heat sink for high energy Lithium ions batteries for electrical vehicles”20/09/2017
41ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru for providing “Time and Frequency Traceability”03/08/2017
42Shayna Ecounified India Private Limited, Delhi, for technology transfer of “Recycling of waste plastic bags into tiles for structure designing”29/06/2017
43Joy Trading Company, New Delhi for technology transfer of “Low cost Peltier based refrigerator”31/05/2017
44Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India (SPMCIL), New Delhi “To meet the technology and security raw materials requirements of SPMCIL”20/04/2017
45National Jute Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Kolkata for “Feasibility study on Development of Activated Charcoal/carbon from Jute sticks and preparation of DPR” 11/04/2017
46MSME Technology Development Center (PPDC), Meerut for “Development of limbs of recurve archery bow of composite materials”02/11/2016
47Kataline Infra Products Private Limited, Nagpur, Maharashtra for technology transfer of “Long Afterglow Phosphor”02/09/2016
48NRDC, New Delhi, for “transfer of technologies developed at CSIR-NPL to industries”29/06/2016
49Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Ahmedabad for “IRNSS Navigation Receiver Field Trial and Data Collection”12/04/2016
50Max Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi for “Infrared Spectroscopic Study for Tumor Diagnosis-Phase II”05/02/2016

Dr. Sanjay R. Dhakate
Chief Scientist & Head
Business Development Group (BDG)
CSIR – National Physical Laboratory
Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg
New Delhi 110012, INDIA.
Email: headbdg@nplindia.res.in

For General Information:
Dr. Neeraj Bhanot
Tel: +91-11-4560-8350/8449

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