सीएसआईआर-राष्ट्रीय भौतिक प्रयोगशाला

CSIR-National Physical Laboratory

AC Power & Energy Metrology

The AC power & Energy Metrology section of CSIR-National Physical laboratory is responsible to maintain national standard of ac power and energy and disseminating traceability through calibration services (discussed below) to the government bodies, power sectors, meter manufactures and end users at par with world leading National Metrology Institutes (NMIs). Energy meter plays crucial role in monitoring, control and management of flow of energy. Testing of energy is essential right from its designing stage to the installation at the field. The laboratory also provides apex level testing facility to the industries for all types of energy meters including DLMS/ Smart Energy Meters.

CSIR-NPL is the member of DLMS User Associations.

( https://www.dlms.com/member-profile/?id=CSIR-National-Physical-Laboratory_994 )

Calibration Service: CSIR-NPL provides apex level calibration services for power and energy measurements. And disseminate measurement traceability for Power & Energy parameters throughout the country. The methods and procedure used in the measurements are internationally recognized at par with other leading NMIs. The laboratory also periodically validates its own measurement capabilities and operation procedures by participating in international comparison. The scope of measurement is discussed below:

Precision Power Calibration System

ParameterRangeExpanded Uncertainty (k=2)
Single PhaseThree Phase
Active Power10 V to 576 V
10 mA to 120 A
PF: 0.01 (lag/lead) to 1.0
50 to 70 µW/VA (40 to 70 Hz)
70 to 300 µW/VA (70 to 400 Hz)
65 to 150 µW/VA (40 to 70 Hz)
Apparent Power10 V to 576 V
10 mA to 120 A
40 to 70 Hz
PF: 0.01 (lag/lead) to 1.0
80 to 150 µW/VA (40 to 70 Hz)80 to 150 µVA/VA (40 to 70 Hz)
Reactive Power10 V to 576 V
10 mA to 120 A
40 to 70 Hz
PF: 0.01 (lag/lead) to 1.0
90 to 150 µW/VA (40 to 70 Hz)90 to 150 µvar/VA (40 to 70 Hz)
Active Energy30 V to 576 V
10 mA to 120 A
PF: 0.25 (lag/lead) to 1.0
50 to 70 µW/VA (40 to 70 Hz)
70 to 300 µW/VA (70 to 400 Hz)
65 to 150 µWs/VA (40 to 70 Hz)
Apparent Energy30 V to 576 V
10 mA to 120 A
40 to 70 Hz
PF: 0.25 (lag/lead) to 1.0
80 to 150 µW/VA (40 to 70 Hz)80 to 150 µVAs/VA (40 to 70 Hz)
Reactive Energy30 V to 576 V
10 mA to 120 A
40 to 70 Hz
PF: 0.25 (lag/lead) to 1.0
90 to 150 µW/VA (40 to 70 Hz)90 to 150 µvars/VA (40 to 70 Hz)

Testing Services: Energy Meter, kilowatt-hour meter, revenue meter is a device that is used for measurement of electrical energy and keeps the record of consumption of energy by the consumer. Energy meters are important part of Electrical Grid System, which is used for recording, monitoring, controlling and management of energy. Testing of energy is meters is essential to cater various demands of electrical grid The laboratory is engaged in providing testing services for all types of energy meters as per IEC: 62053-21, IEC: 62053-22, IS: 13779, IS-14697, IS: 13010 and CBIP-88. Energy meters include such as single-phase static watt hr meters, three phase static watt hr meters, whole current and CT/PT operated, three phase tri-vector energy meters including DLMS and smart energy meters are to be tested before rolling out to the actual field. The test facilities available at CSIR-NPL and scope of testing is discussed below:

Testing of Smart Energy Meters

A. Acceptance test as per IS 13779(2020/1999)
Sr. No.TestClauseSpecifications
1Test of Insulation Properties


a.c. Static Watthour Meters, Class 1 and 2 —


Note: All tests are applicable to the single and three phase DLMS and smart energy meters

a.c. high voltage test

Insulation test

2Test of Accuracy Requirements 
Test on limits of error


Test of meter constant


Test of starting condition


Test of no-load condition


Test of repeatability of error


Test of influence quantities 
3Test of Electrical Requirement 

Test of power consumption test


Test of influence short- time over currents


B. Acceptance test as per IS 14697(2021/1999)
Sr. No.TestClauseSpecifications
1Test of Insulation Properties


ac Static Transformer Operated ,


CLASS 0.2S AND 0.5S-Specification

Note: All tests are applicable to DLMS and smart energy meters

a.c. high voltage test

Insulation test

2Test of Accuracy Requirements 
Test on limits of error


Test of meter constant


Test of starting condition


Test of no-load condition


Test of repeatability of error


Test of influence quantities 
3Test of Electrical Requirement 

Test of power consumption test


Test of influence short- time over currents


C. Test of influence quantities and Anti tamper Test
Sr. No.Test NameTests
1Test of influence quantities:Influence of voltage variation, frequency variation, phase sequence, 3rd harmonics and 5th harmonics, voltage unbalance should not affect accuracy class of meter as per standard specifications
2Test of influence of AC/DC magnetic inductionsCBIP 325 Guidelines
3Tamper and fraud protection Tests

Single Phase Energy Meter and

Three  Phase Energy Meter as per customer requirements

D.Test for Data Exchange For Electricity Meter Reading, Tariff And Load Control-Companion Specification(IEC 62056)

Sr.  No.


Compliance Test

IS 15959 (part 1 2011)/ IS 15959 (part 2 2016)

1.0Conformance to DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056)

Annexure K-1 (a) of  IS 15959 (part 1 2011)

Note: Testing will be done on latest CTT Compliance test tool of version 4.x  supported DLMS/Smart Energy Meters



Note: All tests are applicable to the single and three phase DLMS as well smart energy meters.

2.0Parameter verification: such as
Object list download
Association properties
Simultaneous operation
Lowest level security secret
Low level security (LLS) secret
High level security (HLS) secret
Instantaneous parameters
Snap shot of instantaneous parameters
Scaler profile
Block load profile PParameters
Selective access by range for block load profile
Name plate details
Programmable parameters
Event code and event logging:
Indian event reference table – Voltage related
Indian event reference table – Current related
Indian event reference table – Power related
Indian event reference table – Transaction related
Indian event reference table – Other
Indian event reference table – Non roll over
Indian event reference table – Control
Selective access by Entry for event log profile

Mr. J.C Biswas
Chief Scientist & Head
AC Power & Energy Metrology Section
Email: jcbiswas@nplindia.res.in
Phone: 011-4234-2427

  • Atul Suresh Somkuwar
    Senior Scientist & Deputy Head
    AC Power & Energy Metrology
    Email: assomkuwar@nplindia.res.in
    Phone: 011-4234-2427
  • Anoop Singh Yadav
    Technical Officer
    AC Power & Energy Metrology
    Email: asyadav47@gmail.com
  • Prakash Singh
    Lab Attendant
    AC Power & Energy Metrology
    Email: prakashsingh878@gmail.com
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