सीएसआईआर-राष्ट्रीय भौतिक प्रयोगशाला
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory

Atmospheric Science & Metrology
The Atmospheric Sciences & Metrology group (formerly known as Radio & Atmospheric Sciences Division) of CSIR-NPL has glorious history and initiated or participated in various national and international scientific programs like International Geophysical Year (IGY), 1957-1958; International Quiet Sun Year (IQSY), 1964-1965; Indian Middle Atmospheric Program (IMAP) during 1980s; Indian Scientific Expeditions to Antarctica; National Methane (CH4) Campaign, INDOEX Program; Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) program; Climate And Weather of Sun Earth System (CAWSES) program; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project and many more.
At present, the group is focused on the following research areas to cater to the national needs:
1. Dynamics of the Earth and planetary atmosphere
- Lower atmosphere
- Upper atmosphere: Characterization of the ionized and non-ionized atmospheric media
- Space environment
2. Pollution: monitoring and its impact assessment
- Investigation of physico-chemical properties of pollutants
- Development of emission factors and inventories of greenhouse gases & other pollutants
- Base line measurements of air pollutants and greenhouse gases
- Climate change studies
3. Technology development for atmospheric measurement
- Certification activity: CSIR-NPL India Certification Scheme (NPLI CS) [View]
- Testing & Calibration: Calibration of Ozone Analyzers using Primary Ozone Reference Standard [View]
- Capacity building on best practices for accurate atmospheric measurements
- Regional Warning Center of India for Space Environment (RWC, NPL-India): Providing geophysical parameters and ionospheric forecasting [View]
Current R&D Projects
- Establishment of type testing, calibration & certification facility for “Online Continuous Emission Monitoring System (OCEMS)” & “Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System (CAAQMS)” (Funded by MoEF&CC).
- GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub (SANH) (Funded by UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UKCEH)
- National Carbonaceous Aerosols programme (Funded by MoEF&CC).
- Megacity Delhi Atmospheric Emission Quantification, Assessment and Inputs (Delhi Flux) (Funded by MoES).
- An Integrated Study of Air Pollutant Sources in the Delhi NCR (ASAP-Delhi): Indo- UK Bilateral Program (Funded by MoES).
- Study of Seasonal Variation of Ozone Precursors in relation with surface Ozone over Delhi: a Megacity (Funded by ISRO-GBP).
- Effect of UV Radiation and Aerosol on Ocular Health in Different Region of India (Funded by ICMR).
- Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India (ARFI) (Funded by ISRO-GBP).

Primary Ozone Standard (SRP-43, Make: NIST-USA) Facility

NPL’s Remote Atmospheric Monitoring Station at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh

Raman Lidar System at NPL’s Remote Atmospheric Monitoring Station at CSIR-IHBT Campus in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh

Ionospheric Monitoring Laboratory at Antarctica

Digisond at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi

Network of five IRNSS receivers at (i) CSIR-NPL, Delhi, (ii) IIT Roorkee, (iii)Pantnagar, (iv) Palampur and (v) Almora for VTEC Measurements

Tethered Balloon Facility at CSIR-NPL, New Delhi

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