सीएसआईआर-राष्ट्रीय भौतिक प्रयोगशाला

CSIR-National Physical Laboratory

Gas Metrology

Gas metrology directly relate with the quality assurance of air and emission, health, energy, food, etc. and hence indirectly influence the life style of common people, trade, economy, and finally to the economic growth. CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, India (NPLI), the NMI of India, has a major activity of Gas Metrology which includes realization of mole in gas measurements through gravimetric preparation of gas standards to provide the traceability to SI unit for emission, energy, GHGs and air quality measurements as per National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

Gas metrology activity of a National Metrology Institute (NMI) has a direct role to play on the economic growth of that country. Therefore, this activity is an inherent and major part of any NMI in the world, and therefore at International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance (CCQM) has a separate sub-committee on the Gas Analysis Working Group (CCQM-GAWG). The details of internationally accepted mission of this activity are available on BIPM website (https://www.bipm.org/en/home)

Gas Metrology Activity at CSIR-NPL is underpinning measurements of gas and airborne particles in the field of global atmospheric monitoring of Green House Gases (GHGs), vehicular emissions and NAAQS parameters e.g., PM2.5/PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, Benzene and Particulate -Pb, -As and –Ni, etc. Available standards are CO2, CH4, CO, SO2, NO in nitrogen matrix and transfer standards of high volume PM2.5 sampler.

  • Dissemination of SI unit ‘mol’ by development of Primary Reference Gas Mixtures (PRGMs i.e. Gas BNDs) for greenhouse gases, pollution gases, energy and emission gases, particulate matter standard.
  • Participation in international inter-comparisons and to organise proficiency testing programme.
  • Calibration of particulate matter samplers and related testing and project jobs.
  • Air quality/emission related instrument development/ transfer standards.
  • Research and development for Gas and aerosol related reference methods, standards and instruments.
  • Organising workshop, training, awareness and skill development programs.
  1. Testing & Calibration
    Gas metrology is offering testing and calibration services e.g. calibration of particulate matter sampler, cutoff size of PM2.5 impactor, calibration of particle counter and testing of filter paper/mask etc. The price details of these services are at CFCT site of CSIR-NPL.
  2. Certification Activity
    – Testing of PM 2.5 sampler for cutoff size
    – Gas standards for emission and ambient range for calibration of instruments
    1. Traceability Dissemination
      We provide gas measurement infrastructure in the nation via PRGMs which are prepared as per ISO 17034:2016. PRGMs for GHGs, pollution gases and emission gases are available for dissemination. For the PRGM/BND charges and other procedure visit https://www.nplindia.org/index.php/commercial-services/calibration-testing/.
      Contact the gas metrology staff for the availability of gas standards.
    1. “Development of Green-House Gas standards, National Ambient Air quality standards and vehicular emission gas standards” In-house ongoing project.
    2. “Quality Checks of the Data and Instruments Working at Air Quality Monitoring Station in Raipur City” sponsored by Chhattisgarh Environmental Conservation Board (CECB) Raipur.
    3. “Development and Calibration of PM2.5/PM10 Sampler” sponsored by DST.
    4. “Development of a Primary facility for Calibration of Particulate Matter (PM) Samplers”, sponsored by CSIR-NPL.
    5. “Development of Facility for testing of Mask” sponsored by CSIR.
    6. “Testing of PM and CO2 level control in a room by the ventilation device”, Technical service project sponsored by industry.

    Dr. Shankar G Aggarwal
    Chief Scientist & Head- Gas Metrology
    Contact: : +91 11 4560 8331
    Email: aggarwalsg@nplindia.res.in

    • Dr. Daya Soni
      Senior Principal Scientist 
      Email: dsoni@nplindia.res.in
    • Dr. Khem Singh
      Senior Technical Officer (2)
      Email: khem008@nplindia.res.in
    • Ms. Abha Shukla
      Technical Officer-1

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